QuadMenu is a WordPress menu tailored for both regular users and developers. The goal was to offer a plugin seamlessly integrated into themes. While this is the initial version, stay tuned for upcoming enhancements, including carousel menus and features crafted especially for WooCommerce. The user-friendly interface, drag-and-drop functionality, and dashboard customization allow both users and developers to effortlessly create and personalize unlimited Mega menus and tabs, with no need for programming expertise.
QuadMenu Features:
- The sticky menu on the scroll
- Supports multiple menu locations
- Support for child themes
- Display WordPress Widgets in your menu
- Unlimited Menu Themes
- Horizontal and vertical layouts
- Click or use the hoverIntent plugin to open links
- Drag and Drop builder
- Align links options
- Float dropdown menu options
- Built extending the standard WordPress menu system
- Show or hide items depending on the screen size
- Dropdown animations
- The customizable breakpoint for menu collapse
- Define the default options that the user will see
- Enable or disable the ability to change the menu from the Metaboxes
- Create your custom dropdown animations
- Load the .less files from the folder of your theme
- Enable or disable styles and script loading
- Add filters to modify the contents of the menu
- Define the developer options that the user can’t change
- Icons
- Social
- Search
- Login
- Mega Menu
- Cart
- Google Fonts
- Support for Font Awesome icons
- Support for Visual Composer
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