The WhatsApp Chat for WordPress plugin enables seamless integration of your WhatsApp experience with your website, offering one of the most powerful methods to engage and connect with your customers. By providing direct support, you can build trust and enhance customer loyalty. Stay connected with your customers anytime, anywhere! Keeping tabs on potential leads has never been more convenient.
WhatsApp Chat Features:
- Easily Customize
- NinjaTeam WhatsApp Chat plugin provides options to select colors for the WhatsApp box to fit your website style and taste. Moreover, you can customize each box for each person depending on their time availability with a photo, name tag, and job title. The button is green or other colors you set when you are online. Otherwise, it is grey. Therefore, customers don’t feel ignored when you’re not responding quickly. They know precisely the time you set it in the first place.
- Support WPML
- Are you site multi-language? Don’t worry! You can use WordPress translation plugins like WPML or Polylang to customize any language on your site easily and quickly.
- Support Multiple Accounts
- NinjaTeam WhatsApp Chat plugin allows you to add multiple accounts of your members into a WhatsApp box to display. Your customers can choose a supporter they want to chat with; they know precisely with whom they are conversing.
- No Coding Required
- We took the most challenging part of coding. We spent time designing and making UI/UX as best as we could. All you need to do is upload the plugin into WordPress, activate the plugin, customize all the available options, and be Done!
- Premium Live Chat Support
- Short
- With a shortcode from the NinjaTeam WhatsApp Chat plugin, you can display the WhatsApp box anywhere on your site. It can be a page, a post, some particular pages, posts, or the whole of your website.
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