TranslatePress Pro is a versatile WordPress translation plugin accessible to all. Its user-friendly interface allows for seamless translation of entire pages in one go, even capturing content from shortcodes, forms, and page builders. Additionally, it seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce.
TranslatePress Pro Multilingual operates on the GPL and self-hosted translation model inherent to WordPress. This ensures that all your translations remain accessible indefinitely. It stands as the most efficient solution for building bilingual or multilingual websites.
TranslatePress Pro Features:
- Translate larger html blocks by merging strings into translation blocks.
- Ability to translate dynamic strings (gettext) added by WordPress, plugins, and themes.
- Editorial control allows you to publish your language only after all your translations.
- Conditional display content shortcode based on language [trp_language language=”en_US”] English content only [/trp_language]
- Translate all your website content directly from the front end in a friendly user interface (translations are displayed in real-time).
- Fully compatible with all themes and plugins
- Place language switchers anywhere using shortcode [language-switcher], WP menu item, or as a floating dropdown.
- Translate only specific paths and exclude content from being translated.
- Translation Block feature in which you can translate multiple HTML elements together
- Possibility to edit gettext strings from themes and plugins from English to English without adding another language. A string-replace functionality.
- Native Gutenberg support, so you can easily translate Gutenberg blocks
- Out-of-the-box WooCommerce compatibility
- Live preview of your translated pages as you edit them.
- Image translation support for translating images, sliders, and other media.
- Integrates with Google Translate, allowing you to set up Automatic Translation using your Google API key.
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