In certain instances, a webpage utilizes a theme along with multiple plugins, all functioning simultaneously. However, there's no necessity to install all of them to enhance your site's speed and improve the readability of the HTML source code, which is particularly beneficial for debugging purposes. Blocking the loading of unnecessary styles and scripts is a more effective approach.
Asset CleanUp Pro conducts a thorough scan of your page, pinpointing all loaded assets. To streamline and optimize your content, you only need to select the CSS/JS elements that are not essential for loading when editing a post or page. This enables you to trim down the bloat and enhance overall performance.
Asset CleanUp Pro Features:
- Preload CSS/JS, Local Fonts & Google Fonts files to instruct the browser to download the chosen assets as soon as possible
- Minify JavaScript files (including inline code within SCRIPT tags)
- Asset CleanUpPro Decreases the number of HTTP requests loaded and eliminates render-blocking resources (important for faster page load) by unloading useless CSS/JS
- Minify CSS files (including inline code within STYLE tags)
- Combine remaining loaded CSS & JavaScript files
- Defer combined JavaScript files by applying the “defer” attribute to the SCRIPT tags
- Inline CSS Files (automatically & by specifying the path to the stylesheets)
- Site-wide removal for Emojis, Dashicons for guest users, and Comment Reply if they are not used
- Asset CleanUpPro Reduces the HTML code of the actual page (that’s even better if GZIP compression is enabled)
- Makes source code easier to scan in case you’re a developer and want to search for something
- Disable RSS Feeds
- Google will love your website more as it would be faster and fast page load is nowadays a factor in search ranking
- Remove possible conflicts between plugins/themes (e.g. 2 JavaScript files that are loading from different plugins and interfere one with another)
- Your server access log files (e.g the Apache ones) will be easier to scan and will take less space on your server
- Better performance score if you test your URL on websites such as GTmetrix, PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Website Speed Test
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